Rain World Mod Database

RainDB, for short.

How To Submit Mods

Getting your mods on this database is as easy as it gets. Mostly because we do most of the work involved in getting them here.

Required Files:

  1. Your mod files, all compressed in a .zip or .rar file.
  2. A separate text file, containing a short description of your mod's functions, as well as the author name (what you'd like to be called) and the Rain World version the mod was built for.
  3. A 360x250px preview image of your mod.

How To Submit:

So now that you've gotten your hands on all the required files, there's multiple ways to get your mod here:

  • Google Drive: Make a new folder for your mod, and place all the required files (see above) inside said folder. Then, contact AndrewFM on the Rain World discord server and send a direct message containing the link to to the folder you created in the Google Drive.
  • Other file hosting websites: If you use any other website, you will have to upload every required file as a separate link (so one for the .zip, one for the image, etc.) and send all those links through Discord DMs (see above).

What Then?

Well, then the magic happens, of course! Wait some time and we'll add your mod onto the database, update the website repository and soon enough you and everyone else will be able to download your mod from the Home page!